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Terms of Use for the Youngkul Challenge

Terms of Service
Privacy policy
Team Limited establishes and discloses the following personal information processing policy in accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act to protect the personal information of users of the Younggeul Challenge service (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”) provided by the company and to promptly and smoothly process complaints related thereto.
Collection and use of personal information
The company processes personal information for the following purposes. Personal information processed by the company will not be used for purposes other than the following, and if the purpose of collection and use changes, necessary measures will be taken, such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 19 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
When you sign up
Required items: Member ID (email), password, or SNS account address and password when signing up easily with a SNS account
Optional: Profile information (profile picture, name, gender, date of birth, etc.) when signing up easily with a SNS account
The Company may additionally collect the following information from users during the course of using the Service. This information is collected by users voluntarily providing it or requesting it when signing up for and using the Service, responding to user complaints, and when users directly input it when using specific functions when using other additional services.
When handling user complaints
Required: Member information (member ID, phone number)
Optional: Profile photo, gender, date of birth, service usage history, point accumulation and usage history, visit history
When providing marketing and advertising information
Optional: Member ID, phone number, date of birth, gender
If the Company needs to collect additional personal information or if it needs to collect additional personal information other than what is stated above while using the service, the Company will notify users of this fact in advance and collect relevant information only from users who have given consent.
Purpose of collection and use of personal information
The purpose for which the company collects and uses users’ personal information is as follows.
Member management such as member identification, restrictions on use of members who violate laws and regulations and terms of use, sanctions for acts that interfere with the smooth operation of the service and acts of misuse of the service, confirmation of intent to join, confirmation of reasons for rejection of membership, restrictions on membership and number of memberships, record keeping for dispute resolution, complaint handling, delivery of notices, confirmation of intent to withdraw membership, etc.
Personal identification and point usage history retention for content and product provision
Data analysis for service enhancement and optimization, service improvement, error correction, quality improvement, and statistics for research and development of new services, product development and specialization
Confirmation of the complainant's identity, confirmation of the complaint, contact/notification for fact-finding, notification of processing results, preservation of complaint records
Development of new services, provision of services and advertisement posting based on statistical characteristics, verification of service validity, identification of access frequency, statistical analysis of members' use of services, etc., service analysis and improvement of service usage environment
Establishing a service environment where users can use it with confidence in terms of security, privacy, and safety
Provision of event information and participation opportunities, provision of advertising information and participation opportunities only when separate consent is obtained from the user
Provision of personal information to third parties
The company processes users’ personal information only within the scope specified in Article 1 (Collection and Use of Personal Information).
The Company provides personal information to third parties only when it receives the user's consent or in cases falling under Article 17 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as special provisions of the law, or when providing pseudonymized information processed in a form that does not identify specific individuals for purposes such as compiling statistics, scientific research, or preserving public records in accordance with Article 28-2, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
The company provides personal information to third parties as follows:
Person receiving personal information
Purpose of provision
Personal information provided
Retention and Use Period
KT Alpha Co., Ltd.
Issuance and use of coupons
Phone number
Until the coupon expires
GMO-Research Inc
Providing affiliate surveys, analyzing survey results and utilizing them
Gender, date of birth, place of residence
After signing up for membership, we retain and use your personal information from the time you agree to the provision of personal information to third parties until the time your personal information is deleted at your request.
Users have the right to refuse consent to the company providing their personal information to third parties as described above, and there are no disadvantages to refusing consent. However, if you do not consent to the provision of information to third parties, there may be restrictions on receiving services provided by the company.
Entrustment of personal information processing
In order to process personal information smoothly, the company entrusts the processing of personal information as follows.
Consignment work
Retention and Use Period
Nurigyo Co., Ltd.
Send SMS, send KakaoTalk notification message
Until the end of the consignment contract
Nice Evaluation Information Co., Ltd.
Identity verification service
Until the end of the consignment contract
When concluding a consignment contract, the company states in a contract or other document matters related to responsibilities such as prohibition of processing personal information for purposes other than the performance of the consigned work, technical and administrative protection measures, restrictions on re-consignment, management and supervision of the consignee, and compensation for damages in accordance with Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act, and supervises whether the consignee safely processes personal information.
The information that the company entrusts to process is limited to the minimum scope necessary to provide the Younggeul Challenge service. If the content of the entrusted work or the trustee changes, we will disclose it without delay through this personal information processing policy.
Rights, obligations and exercise methods of information subjects and legal representatives
Users may exercise the following personal information protection rights against the Company at any time:
Withdrawal of consent
Request to view personal information
Request for correction in case of errors, etc.
Request for deletion
Request to stop processing
You may request to exercise your rights under Article 1 in the following manner, and the Company will take action without delay.
Phone (02-6951-0430)
The exercise of rights under Article 1 may be done through a proxy, such as the user's legal representative or an authorized person. In this case, a power of attorney in the format of Appendix 11 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act must be submitted to the company.
Users are responsible for protecting their personal information. The Company is not responsible for any problems resulting from leakage of personal information due to reasons not attributable to the Company, such as transfer, lending, or loss of ID, phone number, authentication number, or access media, or negligence of the user such as leaving the login state, or problems on the Internet beyond the Company’s control, such as hacking using methods or technologies that cannot be blocked by security measures under relevant laws.
Users must not infringe upon the personal information or privacy of users or others that the company is processing by violating the Personal Information Protection Act or other related laws.
Retention and use period of personal information
The company retains and uses the member's personal information until the member withdraws. However, in order to prevent unwanted withdrawals due to theft of personal information, etc., the personal information is retained for 30 days after the member withdrawal request, and in accordance with the internal policy to prevent disputes arising from the illegal use of the service, the personal information of members who have committed acts that violate the terms of use and operating principles, i.e., records of illegal use of the service, is retained for 1 year.
Even after withdrawal of membership, personal information may be stored for a certain period of time if required to do so by applicable laws and regulations.
『Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.』
Records of contract or subscription withdrawal, payment, supply of goods, etc.: 5 years
Records of member complaints or dispute resolution: 3 years (except that in the case of civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings in progress, until the proceedings are concluded)
Records of display advertising: 6 months
『Electronic Financial Transactions Act』
Records on electronic finance: 5 years
『Communications Secrets Protection Act』
Login history, tracking data of access location that can be used to identify the location of the mobile phone used to access the service: 3 months
『National Tax Basic Act』
Information required to calculate the statute of limitations for tax assessment: 10 years
Information required for calculating the statute of limitations for national tax collection rights, etc.: 5 years
Information required for withholding tax processing: 5 years
『Value Added Tax Act』
Transaction history information such as tax invoices and receipts: 5 years
Destruction of personal information
The company destroys personal information without delay when the personal information becomes unnecessary, such as when the retention period for personal information expires or the processing purpose is achieved.
If the retention period for personal information agreed upon by the user has expired or the purpose of processing has been achieved, but personal information must be retained in accordance with other laws and regulations, the personal information will be transferred to a separate database (DB) or stored in a different location.
The procedures and methods for destroying personal information are as follows:
Destruction Procedure: The company selects personal information for which a reason for destruction has arisen and destroys the personal information with the approval of the company's personal information protection officer.
How to destroy
If in electronic file form: Permanently delete in a way that makes restoration impossible
In case of printed matter, written matter, or other recording media: shred or incinerate
In the case of long-term non-users, personal information will be destroyed or stored separately according to the following provisions.
In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, the Company protects the personal information of members who have not used the service, such as those who have not logged in for one year or the period selected by the member upon registration, by immediately destroying the ID and personal information of the member after the expiration date or transferring it to a separate DB (separate file cabinet in the case of paper) and storing it separately. The personal information of members who have been separated and stored in a separate DB or file cabinet is stored for one year from the storage date and then destroyed.
The company will notify members of the expiration date, the fact that personal information will be destroyed or stored separately, and the relevant personal information items by e-mail, writing, facsimile, telephone, or similar means at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the above validity period.
Measures to ensure the safety of personal information
The company is taking the following measures to ensure the security of personal information.
Administrative measures: Establishment and implementation of internal management plan, regular employee training, etc.
Technical measures: Management of access rights to personal information processing systems, etc., encryption of unique identification information, etc.
Physical measures: Access control to computer rooms, archives, etc.
Matters concerning the installation/operation and refusal of automatic personal information collection devices
The following information may be automatically generated, accessed, and collected during the member's use of the service. Specifically, information about the member is automatically generated and collected during the use of the service, or the unique information of the member's device is safely converted to prevent the original value from being identified and collected.
Member's mobile phone terminal information (terminal model, mobile carrier information, OS information, hardware ID, advertising ID, basic statistics on service use), application installation and usage history, payment purchase history, event participation history, IP address
Access date and time, service usage history
Information on the Younggeul Challenge Service Application (APP)
Purpose of ADID/IDFA Use: ADID/IDFA is used for automatic login for the convenience of users. In addition, by analyzing the access frequency and visit time of members and non-members, etc., it is used to identify users' tastes and areas of interest, track their footprints, and identify the extent of participation in various events and the number of visits, etc., to provide target marketing and personalized services (※ If you refuse to collect ADID/IDFA, you may experience difficulties in using customized services).
Opt-out of ADID/IDFA collection: Android: Settings > Google (Google Settings) > Advertising > Opt-out of Ad Personalization
IOS: Settings > Privacy > Advertising > Limit Ad Tracking
Data Protection Officer
The company is responsible for overall management of personal information processing, and has designated a personal information protection officer as follows to handle user complaints and provide remedies for damages related to personal information processing.
Data Protection Officer
Name: Lee Woo-taek